God Mother experience at Casa De Dom Inacio
(28/04/2014 @ 17:10:00)Was just reminded of the time when i was made God mother to a lovely being, a little girl whom was born with Downs syndrome. She was given the name Agape ( which means unconditional love in Greek) She truly has this gift of a big loving heart and touches all whom come in contact with her. I had taken a photo of her mother for blessing while on a guided trip to the casa with one of my groups. John of God had placed and X on her photo and prescribed herbs. I didnt like to let the mother know right away as she was due to have her baby and it was weeks away and the X was placed on her womb (?!) I was wondering is this for the mother or child to come? I called the father and explained ...
We waited and then once the baby was born (with Downs syndrome) we told her. Of course John Of God in Entity had known this child was going to be born with this and wanted her to come to the casa for healing.
She did come to Abadiania several times and John of God and the entities in the Casa, helped heal the hole in her heart (these children have an extra large Heart Chakra) and worked also on her lungs immune system and only God knows what else. Perhaps the main issues that were worked on were her souls purpose and that of her family, as much was gained by this little girls arrival.
One time at the Casa, i was made her Godmother and was asked to remain her spiritual guide through her life... as i gazed deep into her eyes that were piercing my soul, i knew this to be true. AND how much she was to guide me too...in the area of Love and Heart Opening.
I dont see her much these days but do have connection with the Family and hear of her progress...she fine and strong. She's beautiful and i love you Agape! Thanks to John of God and Abadiania , another being helped and loved.
Speak to you all again soon,