Life Coaching, Hypno-Healing, Meditation, Astrology
Skype Sessions with Anita
Anita offers these sessions to help you release painful, stuck, frustrating, limiting and unhealthy blocks beliefs and past conditioning that is effecting how life is lived now.
So you can again (or perhaps for the first time) experience Aliveness, freshness, free flow of energy, love, peace and joy to be alive, as well as acceptance of what is in your life... so that naturally changes that are of benefit will follow.
Uncover the jewel of true natural "Self"
... that abides already within, ready to pour forth into living life through you and to live through a deeper understanding of your own intuition, so life becomes much more effortless and light.Anita draws from her rich life experience and over 30 years of self discovery and being immersed in the healing arts, spiritual communities, retreats and with wonderful teachers in both the West and the East, as well as being immersed in her own oftentimes painful and limited life situations, to be able to help you.
working with love simplicity depth and compassion
Sessions are Approx 1 -1/4 hours duration and cost and 120 dollars US (or equivalent in your own currency and can be sent to her Paypal account).
Please email anitagrace1956@gmail.com to book and for info. She is also available for sessions on her work with John of God and her trips there. You ca use Skype or phone.
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